welcome to The Staple Life, with Rox Marthinussen
you’re in exactly
the right place
Hey friend, I’m Rox
I’m a work & well-being coach and former, serial job-hopper. Who was on the insatiable hunt for a workplace and job role that felt “just right”.
This journey drove me far away from myself, through burnout, and (luckily) all the way back again.
The biggest gift from that journey was defining “The Staple Life” - the philosophy and the practice.
The Staple Life is both a philosophy and a practice…
The Staple Life philosophy relentlessly challenges convention in all aspects of life - work and career, motherhood, femininity, wellness and personal development.
But not under the guise of some “rebel without a cause” mission…
It’s about choosing to tune into our inner wisdom.
The wisdom that guides us towards the most authentic definition of ourselves. A definition that refuses to surrender to the external pressure of who we “should” be.
And invites us into a more expansive, personal and flexible definition of success, well-being, and freedom.
In practice, The Staple Life is a full and well-rounded life that decentralises our reliance on work and career as the primary way to identify ourselves. A life that is made up of varied interests, hobbies, and side quests. A life that is lived beyond any one label or role.
A life that doesn’t just look good from the outside looking in, but feels good on the inside too.

Listen to
The Staple Life Podcast
The podcast is where we become besties!
I share personal insights from my own lived experience of the impact of work on my well-being, sprinkled with some coaching & psychology modalities. All while challenging what we know and have been indoctrinated into from the corporate world and the wellness & personal development industry.
The podcast is all about discovering an alternative perspective, to expand our collective understanding of growth, healing and success.
And, ultimately help create a more expansive view of life, that isn’t boxed in by what we “should” do, or what things “should” look like. But, instead, encourages us to embrace our own inner wisdom about how we wish to live our lives.
subscribe to beyond the desk with Rox
A regular blog that brings you insights, wisdom, lessons and musings on how to find joy and decentralise yourself from your identity as a career-woman, to help you live a life that feels good on the inside first.