39 Lessons in 39 Years

Having a birthday always allows me to pause for a second & think about what I’m learning. And as I approach the end of a decade (with 1 more year to go before 40), I find myself in deep reflection on the most transformative decade of my life.

My 30’s have been truly life-changing. At 29, I was crying and having an insane quarter-life crisis at the thought of having a bond and living with a boy. That girl believed all kinds of things, and many of them were other people’s expectations of her. My 30’s saved me. They showed me who I really am & helped me make some of the best (and most challenging) decisions of my life, so far. But saying goodbye to people, ideas and expectations have freed me to be the woman I was placed here to be. And I’m so grateful to this decade for that…

Here are my top 39 lessons…so far:

  1. Quality is always better than quantity - in clothing, shoes, bags, friendship, and wine

  2. Supporting other women doesn’t just change their life, it also changes yours

  3. If you don’t have a green thumb, just stop buying plants 

  4. “Struggling” through something is often a sign you’re right in the middle of progress. Keep going

  5. Get a phone cover and save yourself the R1000 screen replacement costs twice a year

  6. MAC Ruby Woo is the girl she thinks she is! Best red lipstick on the planet

  7. Lavender oil is everything. Literally, antiseptic, calming, everything

  8. Mornings are for coffee and quiet time

  9. Cleaning out your closet every 6months is almost as good as a holiday

  10. Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn’t mean you should too. True for everything from calorie counting to having kids 

  11. When in doubt, wear black

  12. Hydrate. Period 

  13. Don’t maintain your discomfort for others. Go to the bathroom during meetings, tell the person in front of you on the plane not to recline their seat, and let that friend know what happened wasn’t actually ok

  14. There is no such thing as bad feedback. When you genuinely have the other person’s growth and betterment in mind, feedback is neutral 

  15. Sundays are for being lazy

  16. Don’t stay in any place that makes you feel uncertain about your worth 

  17. And also, do your best to work on whatever is at the source of having your worth triggered. Because it’s always I promise, it’s not the truth

  18. Drink that expensive bottle of bubbly, wear the “going out” shoes - every day is a special occasion. Tomorrow isn’t promised to any of us 

  19. Take your own towels to hotels. Fungal infections suck

  20. Cut your hair if you want. It grows back 

  21. Turn the heater up to 2 bars 

  22. When you think you’ve reached your threshold of what you can handle and are about to give up, check if you might need a glass of water, a walk outside in the sun, a proper meal or some sleep 

  23. The right people will get it. And, more often than not, if they don’t get it, they’re not the right people for you

  24. Just because you share blood, history, or proximity, doesn’t mean you share values. And that’s ok

  25. Girls who are not for other girls, are not for me 

  26. Being surrounded by art can mean the difference between a mildly bad day and full-blown depression 

  27. A worn-in woolly jersey, cozy socks, and a cup of tea can cure most PMS symptoms. For everything else, there are painkillers and magnesium

  28. Invite the quiet ones to talk. You’ll be astounded at the wisdom they can share

  29. Inspiration is contagious

  30. Being a great communicator isn’t about talking, it’s about listening 

  31. Vulnerability requires discernment. Not everyone can hold space for you the way you need. Choose wisely 

  32. Comparison truly is the thief of joy. It will steal hours from what could have been gratitude, and replace it with resentment

  33. Everyone needs a small vice. Make it a good one

  34. Telling your truth will always show you the truth about others, They can either rise to the occasion or run a mile. Either way, it’ll reveal a lot

  35. Having valuable things is not as important as having values. But the latter can be much harder to accomplish than the former

  36. Trust your gut when it comes to gluten, dairy, and how you feel around certain people 

  37. Conflict is essential for real (and lasting) relationships 

  38. Fitting in is a double-edged sword because you’re either fitting in and compromising your own individuality or you’re fitting in and judging someone else’s individuality 

  39. Love isn’t enough. It has to come with commitment, respect, trust, conflict, and flexibility (to name a few) 




Positive Self-talk Matters: 8 Ways to Up Your Positive Self-Talk