Welcome to The STAPLE Blog
This is where you’ll find my inner musings, my own life staples and lots of useful tips & tools to help you design a more intentional lifestyle
Is self-care more challenging for career women?
Now the reason I believe that working women need to be more considered with their self-care vs self-employed women, freelancers, or contract consultants, for example - which I am well aware is going to rub some peeps up the wrong way - is because working women don’t have the same freedom to dictate their own time. And therefore, don’t always have the advantage of determining when and how they wish to rest when they need to.
Let’s stop making ourselves wrong for our Self-care Routines
The online space is always crowded with everyone’s best intentions at the start of the year. And this year, more than before, I’m noticing how the idea of “That” self-care routine has become super popularising.
We see gorgeous girls, drinking their fabulous green juice, in their perfect monochromatic workout sets, and perfectly minimalist apartments, going to the gym and taking walks. Now, I’m not hating on this. In fact, some days, I am doing some of those things too…
And this is exactly why I’m talking about it…
I feel like we’re making each other wrong for having a self-care ritual that looks different from our own. And in the process, making ourselves wrong for the routines we have.
Is ‘Goblin Mode’ the new self-care?
This year’s word is Goblin mode. The definition, I feel, hits a bit harsh: "a type of behaviour which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations".
But I think this is also exactly the reason this word needs to exist.
The way I see it is, if you're a living breathing human woman with a family, a career, play dates, a growing business, and any semblance of a life, is every single day, not just a constant battle to NOT be in goblin-mode (often only leaving you feeling totally IN goblin mode, like ALL of the time)?!